The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) invites graduate and post-graduate students in the fields of IT and engineering to apply for an intensive introductory course on the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The course will take place from 19 to 21 February 2020 in Vienna, Austria.
The course will cover the fundamentals of the nuclear fuel cycle, the history of the spread of nuclear weapons, existing international and national mechanisms aimed at controlling their further spread and achieving nuclear disarmament, and current trends in nuclear non-proliferation. The course will also examine the challenges as well as opportunities presented by new and emerging technologies, and the role of industry in preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons. Course instructors will include renowned experts on nuclear non-proliferation, arms control, export controls, nuclear verification and related subjects from the VCDNP, other research centers and think tanks, and international organizations. Prior to the in-class session, course participants will be given access to online preparatory materials.
The course is open to students currently enrolled in a European university, pursuing a graduate or post-graduate degree in the field of IT or engineering. The language of instruction is English; therefore, good English language skills are essential for successful completion of the course. There is no tuition fee, and the VCDNP will cover accommodation for students travelling from outside Vienna upon request. A limited amount of travel support for students travelling from within Europe might also be available.
The deadline for applications is 07 January 2020. As space is limited, we recommend that applications be submitted as early as possible. Applications from qualified women are encouraged. Applications should be submitted in English and include:
- A letter of interest of no more than 500 words;
- A letter confirming current enrollment in a graduate/post-graduate program;
- A record of courses taken to date and grades received;
- A request for travel support (if relevant).
Application materials can be submitted via email to or mailed to VCDNP, Donau City Strasse 6, Andromeda Tower, Floor 13/1, 1220 Vienna, Austria. Selections will be finalized by 13 January 2020, and applicants informed thereafter.
All inquiries about the course should be directed to